smartmon configuration

emerge -av sys-apps/smartmontools

add to init
rc-update add smartd default

nano -w /etc/smartd.conf

# DEVICESCAN For all disks with SMART capabilities.
# -o off Turn off automatic running of offline tests. An offline test
# is a test which may degrade performance.
# -n standby Do not spin up the disk for the periodic 30 minute (default)
# SMART status polling, instead wait until the disk is active
# again and poll it then.
# -W 2 Report temperature changes of at least 2 degrees celsius since
# the last reading. Also report if a new min/max temperature is
# detected.
# -S on Auto save attributes such as how long the disk has been powered
# on, min and max disk temperature.
# -s (L/../.[02468]/1/04|S/../.[13579]/1/04)
# '-------a--------' '--------b-------'
# a: Long test on even monday mornings at 04:00
# b: Short test on uneven monday mornings at 04:00

DEVICESCAN -o off -n standby -W 2 -S on -s (L/../.[02468]/1/04|S/../.[13579]/1/04)

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